Hannah Richards
Head Service Dog Task Trainer, Grooming Services, Acupuncturist

With the love of animals and in particular dogs, Hannah was looking at ways she could help her father Bob, mitigate his mental health condition due to PTSD from service in South Vietnam.
Given her own diagnosis of generalized epileptic seizures, secondary PTSD and migraines, it was a caring and brave decision for her to travel to the U.S. in 2015 to learn to be a K9 task trained service dog instructor, which ultimately led to a service angel with paws for her dad, profoundly enriching his life. As it turns out, Hannah’s condition means she has her own angel.
Jump forward to present day and Hannah in partnership with Bob, the charity committee and volunteers, are delivering lifesaving and life changing services to those who can benefit most in our community. In an environment where need outstrips the ability to train and finance these beautiful angels, Hannah’s dedication to the cause is amazing.